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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons.

Children's Ground's truth-telling workshops provide a space to have the hard conversations about the true history of our country.

Truth Telling Workshops

We discuss the impact of colonisation, discrimination and racism on First Nations people, while also celebrating their resistance, strength and survival.

Participants will engage in multiple interactive, group exercises that highlight the richness of First Nations culture, history, language and knowledge systems in Australia which have been practiced for over 65,000 years.

We then compare this to the 300 plus years of non-Indigenous occupation in this country, to gain perspective on history and its impact. Together, we will create a meters-long timeline detailing the true history of both First Nations dispossession and survival.

Using specific dates in Australian history, we’ll uncover the stories of First Nations resistance and strength that are often discarded or unknown in the face of the mainstream, popularly accepted versions of history. us from the shackles of denial, to uncover the common humanity that reaches across this nation and back into the depths of time. June Oscar AO

Why book a Truth Telling Workshop

  • Build a deeper understanding of our history
  • Deliver broader context around First Nations People
  • Create allyship
  • Move beyond ‘cultural awareness,’ to knowing our shared history, and learning about the truth of this country
  • Bring your RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) to life

Book a workshop

For more information, to find out about the next workshops or to book a workshop contact: