Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons.
Our Cultural Governance Committees operate in each community we work with.
Our structure is determined by our Arrernte kinship and we follow the leadership and guidance of our Elders. They support each generation to have their say; we want our younger generation to learn from the experience of others and take opportunities to get stronger at leading and telling our story. They are our future leaders.
Dulcie Sharpe is a Luritja/Arrernte artist and Elder at Yarrenyty Arltere.
Eva Hayes is a senior community member at Irrkerlantye.
Trudy Inkamala is an Arrernte Elder and artist at Yarrenyty Arltere.
Felicity Hayes is an Arrernte Elder, educator and a recognised Traditional Owner of Mparntwe in Central Australia. Felicity has campaigned for decades for social justice, the right to live on her Country and the right for Arrernte families to teach their children. Over the years, Felicity has been instrumental in working within the formal education system, sharing and teaching Arrernte language and culture.
Veronica Turner is a Senior Arrernte Educator and Co-Director at Ampe-kenhe Ahelhe. Working alongside Western early childhood educators, Veronica is also responsible for the co-development of learning resources and ensuring educational standards for Arrernte cultural priorities. Veronica is instrumental in the design, delivery and decision-making that informs Ampe-kenhe Ahelhe.
Marita is a Community Engagement Worker and Senior Arrernte Educator at Uyenpere Atwatye. Learn some Arrernte words with Marita here.
C Turner is a First Nations Language Worker in Mpweringke Anapipe. She is an Arrernte language custodian and teacher.
Marlene is an artist and Elder at Yarrenyty Arltere.
Support and Transport Officer, Mpweringke Anapipe. Learn some Arrernte with Amanda here.
Susan Chalmers is a senior community member at Irrkerlantye.
Yarrenyty Arltere
Early Years Arrernte Cultural Educator, Mpweringke Anapipe.
Learning and Wellbeing, Mpweringke Anapipe
Ground and Fleet Maintenance, Mpweringke Anapipe
Early Years Educator, Uyenpere Atwatye
Mpweringke Anapipe
Arrernte Specialist Support, Mpweringke Anapipe. Learn some Arrernte with Cathy here.
Men’s and Youth Wellbeing Support Worker, Mparntwe (Alice Springs).
Ampe-kenhe Ahelhe Men’s and Youth Team, Mparntwe (Alice Springs).
We want to share who we are; we are here standing up and doing the right thing for our wurdurd (children). We Bininj (Aboriginal people) are not here for Balanda (non-Aboriginal people) going around in circles. We are Bininj and Balanda walking together on one path.
– Roxanne Naborlhborlh, Cultural Governance Top End
First Nations Learning, Health and Wellbeing Support, Garramilla (Darwin).
First Nations Learning, Health and Wellbeing Practitioner, Garramilla (Darwin).
Learning, Health and Wellbeing Support Worker, Garramilla (Darwin).
First Nations Learning, Health and Wellbeing Worker, Top End.
First Nations Learning, Health and Wellbeing, Garramilla (Darwin).
Community Support Worker, Garramilla (Darwin)
Djaykuk is a Bolmo Elder, researcher and senior community member in Marlkawo, west Arnhem Land.
Cecily is a celebrated Bolmo artist and community leader for Children’s Ground in the Top End. Cecily has painted in Children’s Ground’s previous Bininj Kunwaral creative arts space in Jabiru, strengthening her own practice as well as teaching culture and creative arts for the early years and primary-aged learners at Children’s Ground.
Shirley Djandjomerr is a Bolmo Elder and senior community member in Marlkawo, west Arnhem Land.
Raymond Guymala is a Bolmo Elder and senior community member in Marlkawo, west Arnhem Land.
Marlkawo, West Arnhem Land
Roxanne Naborlborlh is a Bolmo woman from West Arnhem. She is community and cultural next generational leader. She worked as the community lead and Community Engagement and Media coordinator for Chidren’s Ground in West Arnhem for three years from 2014-2017. She then led the transition of CG to Marlkawo community. Her work includes community liaison in health and social services in Gunbulunuya. She is a director of Malbak Aboriginal Corporation, formed to support the future and wellbeing of Bolmo families in Marlkawo.
May is a Mirarr Elder, researcher and Senior Community Member in Marlkawo, West Arnhem Land.
Learning and Wellbeing, Marlkawo, West Arnhem Land.
Community development and wellbeing, Marlkawo, west Arnhem.
The Land, the people, the story – that’s our Governance. MK Turner OAM
The Land, the people, the story – that’s our Governance.
Walk with us. Donate to Children’s Ground today or check out our books in First languages.